2019 - 11th AIA Conference
Keynote Presentations
1. Dr. Pauline A. Filipek: Typical and Atypical Development - When Should We Be Concerned?
2. Dr. William L. Heward: Next Year Is Now
Breakout Sessions
1. Dr. Haylie Miller: Navigating the pathway to diagnosis and care for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
2. Dr. Samantha Bergmann: Treatment Integrity: What It Is, How To Measure It, and Why You Should Care
3. Dr. Pauline Filipek: Safety Issues in Children with ASD and Other Developmental Disabilities
4. Dr. Daniel Faso & Aleesa Harp: Evaluating Mental Health Supports for Adults with Autism: Shortcomings of Current Practices and the Employment of Novel Approaches
5. Kristi Cortez, Miriam Koech, Crysta Perkins & Shannon Van Scoy: Important techniques for teaching new skills: Introduction to Discrete Trial Instruction for the Home
6. Dr. Lee Mason & Kelli Spencer: Increasing the Verbal Behavior of Preschool Students with Autism in South Texas
7. DeAnn & Mathew Foley: Parent Involvement in Education Planning for ASD
8. Dr. Yvette Evans: Focused and Engaged: Parent-Implemented Intervention Using an iPad To Enhance Expressive Language In Young Children
9. Dr. William L. Heward: Helping School-Age Students with Autism Succeed in General Education Classrooms
10. Dr. Carin Shearer & Dr. Smita Mehta: Effect of Telepractice for Training Autism Teachers to Contrive Motivating Operations
11. Dr. Jamie Thomas & Dr. Smita Mehta: Perceptions of School Administrators Regarding Transition Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
12. Amalia Allan: Music and Autism: Discovering Potential Through a Universal Language
13. Dr. John Conard: Extracting Goals and Objectives from Non-Behavioral Models via Seven Dimensions of ABA
14. Dr. Kimberlee Flatt & Dr. Smita Mehta: Complex-Restricted Repetitive Patterns of Vocal Behavior of Individuals with High Functioning Autism - An Innovative Intervention
15. Haven Niland: Using PowerPoint to Teach Skills in Early Intervention
2018 - 10th AIA Conference
Keynote Presentations
1. Dr. Fred Volkmar: Autism as it Exists in 2018 (What We Know and What We Do Not Know)
2. Dr. Mark O'Reilly: Teaching Communication Skills to Persons with ASD Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Breakout Sessions
1. Dr. Fred Volkmar: Autism as a Social Learning Disorder
2. Dr. Karen Toussaint: A Comparative Evaluation of Functional Analytic Methods
3. William Barron: Meditation as an Intervention for Students With Autism: Relaxing the Body and Mind for Downstream Benefits to Behavior and Social Skills
4. Dr. Demetria Ennis-Cole & Meranda Roy: There's an App for That! Using Technology to Support Executive Functioning and Coping Skills
5. Dr. Mark O'Reilly: Behavior Analysts Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families - A Conversation
6. Chelsi Anderson & Christine Walker: Review of Literature on Coping Strategies for Individuals with Autism to Overcome Bullying
7. Dr. Kevin Callahan, BCBA-D & Adam Swierczynski: The traits of highly effective service providers in autism: A research update of “Behavioral Artists” and their potential impact on ABA outcomes
8. Dr. Thomas D. Parsons: Virtual Environments for Ecologically Valid Assessments and Interventionists in Persons with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Impacting Frontostriatal Functioning
9. Dr. Demetria Ennis-Cole & Meranda Roy: Build It and They Will Come: Teaching Adults with ASD to Design Video Games
10. Melissa Bowen, BCBA: Current Topics on Elopement & Wandering
11. DeAnn & Mathew Foley - Blue Fan Inc.: Ten Common Mistakes Parents Make During IEP Meetings
12. Jillian Esser, Crysta Perkins & Lindsey Hartzel: Increasing the Mand (Requesting) Repertoire of Children with Autism
13. Lauren Matthews, Dr. Linda Holloway & Shanielle Henslee: Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Higher Education
14. Dr. Daniel J. Faso, Kerrianne Morrison & Tandra Allen: Assessing Gaps in Success for Adults with Autism: Novel Solutions Integrating Research, Intervention Training, and Community Supports
15. Ryan Foley, DeAnn Foley, & Matthew G. Foley - Blue Fan Inc.: Autism: A Personal Perspective
16. Dr. John J. Conard, BCBA-D: Strategies for Improving Ethical, Socially Valid, and Competency-Based Supervisee Behavioral Skills and Performance
17. Dr. Susan Nichols, BCBA-D & Dr. Heather Hughes, BCBA-D: Shaping the Path from Supervisor to Leader
18. Dr. Megan Vosters, BCBA: Emergent Instruction Following Joint Control
19. Dr. Amarie Carnett, BCBA-D: Using Naturalistic Intervention Strategies to Teach Children with Autism to Communicate Using a Speech-Generating Device
20. Dr. Kimberlee Flatt, BCBA: High Functioning ASD: Social Skills Towards Employability
2017 - 9th AIA Conference
Keynote Presentations
1. Dr. Dorothea Lerman: Assessing and teaching job-related social skills in adults with autism
2. Dr. Richard M. Foxx: Behavioral artistry: Repertoires that can make a difference
Breakout Sessions
1. Dr. Heather L. Hughes, BCBA-D: Cognitive processes and implications for learning and behavior programming
2. Dr. John “CJ” Conard, BCBA-D: Incorporating ethics and social validity to increase parent education effectiveness
3. Catherine Wiist: Bedtime problems among children with autism
4. Dr. Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito: Importance of gross motor skill programming for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and strategies to be effective
5. Stephanie Hunter & Kimberly Matchniff: Comorbidity care in the person with autism
6. Dr. Dorothea Lerman, Ph.D., BCBA-D: Teacher and paraprofessional training in ABA methodologies: Recent research from the University of Houston-Clear Lake
7. Dr. Smita Mehta, Dr. Miriam C. Boesch, Dr, Amarie Carnett, BCBA-D & Dr. Susan Nichols, BCBA-D: Implementing evidence-based practices for individuals with autism in public schools
8. Chelsi Pruitt: Sociological normativity of autism spectrum disorder in developing African countries
9. Lauren Mathews: Auditory processing characteristics and intervention strategies for individuals with ASD
10. Dr. Heather O'Shea, BCBA-D: Help! It's not working! How to effectively reduce problem behaviors when current interventions are unsuccessful
11. Dr. Kevin Callahan, BCBA-D, Adam Swierczynski, Gabriella Segal, Dr. Susan Nichols, BCBA-D, Dr. Rachita Sharma, Mary-Ellen McComb, Molly Callahan: Behavioral artistry and the future of autism intervention: Preliminary research investigating characteristics and behaviors of effective autism service providers
12. Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz: The poisoned cue and its implications for the treatment of children with autism
13. Dr. Miriam C. Boesch, Dr. M. Alexandra Da Fonte: Rubrics, rubrics and more rubrics: APPraising communication instructional supports
14. Dr. Richard M. Foxx, BCBA-D: Almost fifty years of lessons learned in Applied Behavior Analysis: Questions and answers with Dr. Richard Foxx
15. Kristi Cortez, BCBA: Prevention and management strategies for decreasing tantrums in children with autism
16. Dr. Kimberlee Flatt, BCBA: Social skills towards employability
17. Dr. M. Alexandra Da Fonte, Dr. Miriam C. Boesch: Strategies in designing measurable and feasible communication goals for students with complex communication needs
18. Dr. Amarie Carnett, BCBA-D: Teaching advanced manding skills to children with autism spectrum disorders using Skinner's analysis of verbal behavior and iPad-based speech-generating devices
19. Jennie Larry Johnson: Social skills training for high-school students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
20. Lia Fitzgerald Bryant: Parent involvement and communication: A comparison study between parents of students with autism and neurotypical students
2016 - 8th AIA Conference
Keynote Presentations
1. Dr. Connie Kasari: Update on Interventions for ASD: Active ingredients and deployment in the community
2. Dr. Paul Collins: The Next Adventure
Breakout Sessions
1. Dr. Smita Mehta: A function-based approach to comprehensive behavioral programming for Individuals with autism
2. Lauren Mathews, Crystal Hough & Grace McFarling: Putting the “social” in social communication: Required pre-linguistic skills & ideas for teaching
3. Dr. Connie Kasari: School based interventions for social development
4. Dr. Karen Toussaint, BCBA-D & Dr. Susan Nichols, BCBA-D: Autism treatment research: Distinguishing between innovation and pseudoscience
5. Dr. Mei Chang, Liwei Sun, Guang Li & Dr. Endia Lindo: Development of executive functions in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review
6. Dr. Lee Mason: Analyzing the variance of verbal operant strength: Implications for research and practice
7. Dr. CJ Conard, BCBA-D: Antecedent strategies for parents, teachers, and practitioners, Part 2
8. Dr. Demetria Ennis-Cole & Dr. Tandra Tyler-Wood: Academic accommodations for kids with ASD: Evidence-based suggestions
9. Melanie Litvin: Antecedent based strategies for decreasing food refusal behaviors in children with autism
10. Dr. Demetria Ennis-Cole: Make it or break it: The case for technology in autism
11. Mitch McNeely & Catherine Wiist: Bedtime problems among children with autism
12. Dr. Haylie L. Miller & Dr. Nicoleta L. Bugnariu: Visuomotor characteristics of static and dynamic balance in atypical development
13. Dr. Heather L. Hughes: Best practices for the assessment of autism spectrum disorder in clinics, schools, and community settings
14. Caroline Roberts, Dr. Miriam Boesch: Have you considered the alternative?
15. Dr. Paul Collins: Innovation fatigue: The challenges of applying autism Evidence-Based Practices with parents
16. Lia Fitzgerald Bryant: Demonstration of contingent effort in the reduction of aggression in youth with autism: A case study
17. Lisa Deer, Dr. Linda Holloway, Dr. Traci Cihon, BCBA-D: The role of community and social supports for college students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
18. Dr. Julie Ray Roberts: The SVO Power™ App: A user-friendly AAC approach to functional communication
19. Dr. Heather O'Shea: Autism in the 21st century: Specific technologies that can be used by professionals and parents to improve outcomes
2015 - 7th AIA Conference
Keynote Presentations
1. Dr. Ronald Leaf: Not all ABA is alike
2. Dr. Jennifer Ganz, BCBA-D: Communication interventions for people with ASD: State of the science and recommendations for the future
Breakout Sessions
1. Dr. Jennifer Ganz, BCBA-D: Speaking volumes: Naturalistic instructional practices for augmentative and alternative communication
2. Dr. Stacey Callaway: The benefits of structure and routines for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. Dr. Miriam Boesch, Dr. Alexandra Da Fonte & Dr. Sara Feldman: Guiding special education teachers to increase augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) opportunities in the classroom
4. Dr. Haylie L. Miller & Dr. Nicoleta L. Bugnariu: Quantifying visuomotor differences in ASD: Preliminary data from a community sample
5. Dr. Ronald Leaf: Creating the receptive learner: Helping to reduce disruptive behaviors
6. Dr. Smita Mehta & Dr. Callie Terry, BCBA: Teaching children with autism to mand for others to perform an action
7. Dr. Yasser Salem, Dr. Hao Liu, M.D., Adonna Corbin: Physical therapy for individuals with ASD: Evidence and effective treatments
8. Dr. Heather Hughes, BCBA-D: Visual supports in the work place: Strategies for promoting employment success
9. Dr. Thomas D. Parsons: Virtual environments for ecologically valid assessments and interventions in persons with neurodevelopmental disorders impacting frontostriatal functioning
10. Charles I. Fletcher: Effective treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder with the Power of the Equine: Horses, Cones, Circles, Vests, and Science
11. Dr. CJ Conard: Antecedent strategies for parents, teachers, and practitioners
12. Dr. Karen Toussaint, BCDA-D: Practical behavior management strategies
13. Dr. Susan Nichols, BCBA-D: The Use of a Social Validity Assessment to Determine Strategic Planning Priorities
14. Dr. Heather O'Shea, BCBA-D: Breaking down Silos: How to facilitate collaboration in education and treatment across disciplines
15. Dr. Smita Mehta, Dr. Jamie Thomas & Dr. Carin Shearer: Implementing evidence-based practices in public schools: Bridging the research-to-practice gap
16. Dr. Karen Toussaint, BCDA-D: Toilet training for individuals with ASD
17. Dr. Yasser Salem, Dr. Hao Liu, MD, & Adonna Corbin: An online interactive puppet show for children with ASD: A multimedia presentation
18. Sara Peterman Feldman, BCBA: Reducing severe aggression in the Least Restrictive Environment: Implementation and fading of choice-making procedures
19. Lauren Mathews & Crystal Hough: Introduction to the D.I.R. Model (Developmental, Individual-differences, & Relationship-based)
20. Noel MacNeal: The SHOW ME SHOW - An online interactive puppet show for children with ASD